Current Workshops

Keyed up? Overwhelmed? Disconnected? Fearful for the future?

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises cannot solve the world’s problems- but it can help us maintain resilience in the face of it. 

Thursday November 5th, 4-5:30p PST



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About the class: Our current sociopolitical context has caused major stress to our nervous system. Many of us are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and keyed up simultaneously. It is more important than ever to care for our nervous systems so we can maintain resilience, connection to community and a sense of greater purpose in the face of a struggling world. 

TRE, or Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises are a series of simple body movements that elicit a gentle tremoring sensation in the body. The tremor mechanism is a natural response to stress that wildlife biologists have confirmed all mammals experience. It releases tension patterns built up in the fascia and provides a cue to the nervous system that we can move towards calmness and rest. It provides an opportunity not only to release stress and anxiety that has been trapped in the body, but provides a physiological mechanism for learning self regulation of the nervous system.

Many people experience a profound sense of calmness, self awareness, and re-connection to their loved ones and their own body after practicing TRE.

Jen Donovan is a Licensed Professional Counselor and health coach specializing in nervous system health. She is also a certified Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises Provider through TRE For All Inc.

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